Project Overview
CySim is a currently in progress cyber sports complex that can be used to host cyber security scrimmages or skill-development events. Players can use CySim to improve their cyber security readiness while experiencing real time feedback. This project will offer not just red vs blue team operations but a host of scripted scenarios tailored to the needs of the event organizers. Besides allowing technical players to participate, CySim will also feature events for non-cyber security players such as public relations or board meeting practice. When complete CySim will provide a space to both technical and non-technical individuals to practice a cyber defense scenario.
Our portion of the project will be focused on creating a proof of concept version of CySim that doesn’t include the physical space the final product envisions. This includes the creation of a web application as well as the backend systems necessary to support a scripted scenario or CDC style event. We plan to deliver this along with a functional test scenario in order to demonstrate what an event using CySim will look like.
For more information regarding CySim please see our presentation here: CySim Presentation
Team Members
Bailey Heinen
Full Stack Developer
Member Bio
I am active .Net Developer and have about one year of work experience as well as 3 years of college. I am currently a senior in Cybersecurity Engineering.
Matthew Daoud
Full Stack Developer
Member Bio
I am a Computer Engineering major obtaining a minor in Cybersecurity. My interests are in networking and cryptography. I have project and development experience from personal and team projects.
Brady Schlotfeldt
Backend and Systems Developer
Member Bio
I am a Computer Engineering major with a minor in Cybersecurity. Some of my interests include web development, information technology and cyber defense. I enjoy working in team settings and working together as a group to solve problems.
Jacob Boicken
Full Stack Developer
Member Bio
I am a Cybersecurity Engineering major and a Unix-like buff. My main interests in security are network security, cloud security, and security operations. I have experience from security analyst and software development internships and my homeserver work.
Ethan Swan
Full Stack DeveloperMember Bio
I'm a senior in Cybersecurity Engineering at Iowa State, and I am mainly interested in backend software development and network security. I also have lots of experience with software development through my internships and coursework, and I'm excited to see what we can achieve with CySim!
491 Weekly Reports
Weekly Report 01Weekly Report 02
Weekly Report 03
Weekly Report 04
Weekly Report 05
Weekly Report 06
Weekly Report 07
Weekly Report 08
Weekly Report 09
492 Bi-Weekly Reports
Bi-Weekly Report 01Bi-Weekly Report 02
Bi-Weekly Report 03
Bi-Weekly Report 04
Bi-Weekly Report 05
491 Design Documents
Design Document: User NeedsDesign Document: Requirements
Design Document: Project Plan
Design Document: Exploration And Context
Design Document: Proposed Design
Design Document: Testing
Final Design Document
492 Deliverables
Mid Semester Project BriefFinal Project Poster
Final Project Video Demo
Final Project Report
Final Project Presentation